The Department of BioMedical Engineering, SRM University, Chennai, has organized a series of ‘BIOYANTRA’ a National Level Technical Event in the yester years. In this year, it is organized with the theme: “National Symposium on Medical Devices” in association with Philips Healthcare India Ltd & Consortium of Biomedical Engineers. This Symposium emphasizes on the interaction of Medical Industry professional with the young biomedical engineering students. Often it is a big problem for employment in the medical industry for fresher due to the lack of knowledge about the modern medical devices in the market and its technology. As we know that health related problems are increasing day by day. This increases the demand of health care services. In order to reduce the healthcare related problems, first we have to identify the diseases in its early stage and give the treatment for curing the disease. For that, innovation is required in the biomedical field, that is, low cost medical equipment which is affordable for the common man should be the main goal and mantra of a biomedical engineer. To bring this dream into reality, both doctors and medical industry should interact with biomedical engineering students to share their experiences, problems and knowledge in order to create a better world by giving better healthcare services for the patients. Hence, this event is an attempt to create new innovative product in future by sharing the past and present experience of medical industry professionals with the young biomedical engineers.
All the lectures will be delivered by eminent resource personals from the Biomedical Multination Industry, Hospital, and Academia:
Mr. S.Shankar, Director-Customer Service, Philips Healthcare India Ltd
Mr. Ashwin Benegal, President-India & SAARC, Merit Medical System India Pvt Ltd
Mr.Som Panicker, Vice President, MRI Div, Sanrad Medical Systems
Dr. G.S.Bhuvaneshwar, Director – Innovation & Edn, Trivitron Healthcare Pvt Ltd
Dr. Ashish Mittal, General Manager, Sirona Dental Systems India Ltd
Mr. Ganesh P Sabat, CEO, Sahajanand Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Mr. Yogesh Ghas, Regional Lead-India, Welch Allyn, India Ltd
Mr.Shankar Das, Sr. Application Specialist-Molecular Imaging, GE Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd.
Medical Professional/ Industry- Rs.1000/-
Faculty Rs.750/-
Student Rs.500/-
Registration fee is to be paid through Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favor of ‘BIOMEDICAL SRM’, payable at Chennai. Once paid, the fee will not be refunded.
• The fee includes proceedings booklet, kit, lunch and snacks, but excludes accommodation.
• No travel assistance of any kind will be given.
• Student delegates must obtain the signature and seal from HOD/ Head of the Institutions, without which the registration form will not be accepted
Deadline for Registration: August 20th 2013
Accommodations are based on payment mode. Delegates can book the accommodation through the organizing committee or they can make their own arrangement for reservation in a hotel. Please note that the delegates are responsible for setting their accounts with the guest house/ hotels.
Dr.Anburajan Mariamichael
Ms. P. VinuPritha
Org. Secretary–Bioyantra 2013
Assistant Professor, Dept of Bio Medical Engineering
SRM University, Kattankulathur- 603 203, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
For Further Clarifications Please Contact:
Mr. S. Ganavelu : 0-9025268948
Mr. V. Karthik Ra j: 0-9677163469