Author Archives: biomedin

Biomedical Engineer choosen as one of the best 50 careers of 2010-breaking news

Biomedical Engineer

“As one of the 50 best careers of 2010, this should have strong growth over the next decade”

The rundown:

People today live longer and with better standards of living thanks to a host of factors, not least of which is the explosive advancement in medical processes, devices, and equipment.

Imagine medical care without asthma inhalers, artificial hearts, magnetic resonance imaging, or prosthetic limbs. Along with scientists and other professionals, biomedical engineers help develop the equipment and devices that improve or enable the preservation of health.

They apply their knowledge of engineering—particularly mechanical or electronic—to areas such as imaging, drug delivery, or biomaterials.

Top Five Biomedical Innovations of the last decade-Biomedical news

As the decade comes to an end, we’ve asked Xconomists and other technology leaders around the country to identify the top innovations they’ve seen in their fields the past 10 years, or predict the top disruptive technologies that will impact the next decade.

  1. Increasing use, validation and acceptance of surrogate endpoints for clinical trials.
  2. Novartis’ imatinib (Gleevec). The first drug for specifically inhibiting an enzyme causing cancer rather than killing fast dividing cells….
  3. Human papillomavirus vaccines. This is both for innovative science, and innovative treatment of a vaccine for a virus tied to cancer.