A post-doctoral position is open to study the link between emotions and the neural monitoring of visceral inputs. This project is part of a broader ERC project testing thehypothesis that the neural monitoring of visceral inputs (heart, stomach) generates a subject-centered reference frame, from which first-person perspective can develop, in perception, cognition and emotion.
Motivated candidates with an excellent academic record in affective neuroscience and good programming abilities are welcome to apply. Knowledge of, and/or experience with, brain imaging and physiological recordings would be a strong plus. The position is initially funded for two years, beginning in January 2018 (flexible). The successful candidate will benefit from the interdisciplinary environment and computing resources of the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Department of Cognitive Science at Ecole Normale Supérieure in central Paris, as well as from the state-of-the-art neuroimaging facility (MEG, fMRI, TMS, intracranial EEG) at nearby Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière.
Informal enquiries and formal applications (CV, motivation letter and contact details of at least 2 references) should be sent to catherine.tallon-baudry@ens.fr. The position is open until filled.
Theranostics is a field of medicine that refers to a combination of diagnostic imaging and therapy to treat various types of cancers. Theranostics = Therapy + Diagnostics. Patients are imaged and depending on the tumour size and spread, are identified for therapy. The therapy is given by localized radiation delivered only to the diseased region, reducing the impact on surrounding healthy cells.
Principle of Theranostics
How does it work?
Radioactive compound is attached to a linking molecule that is bound to the binding molecule, which attaches to the cancer cell.
Respiratory health is deteriorating day by day globally due to an increased exposure to certain risk factors such as pollution, smoking and passive lifestyle. Although in general the respiratory diseases can be kept under control, there is still a need for better phenotyping and management of lung diseases such as COPD and Asthma. The conventional Lung Function Tests like spirometry don’t provide any regional information and have limited sensitivity to detect changes in pulmonary function in an early stage because the healthy areas in the lung compensate for a progressive disease making it undetectable. There is a need to shift to a better technology which can look at the overall lung health.
Congenital Heart disease (CHD) is the defect that occurs in the heart of child right from its birth due to genetic deformity. This could affect any structural part of the Heart such as the walls, valves, arteries, veins etc. CHD being one the most common birth defects has been statistically analyzed to affect 1 in every 100 children. It is also one of the leading causes of mortality from birth defects.
Abnormality in the heart that develops before birth
Heart failure is one of the most dangerous and commonly found diseases in the world affecting more than 26 million people. Heart failure could be alarming because it not only affects the Heart but also most of the other organs too due to the insufficient supply of Oxygen and other vital nutrients. There are several factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stress, hereditary causing Heart attack. On the other side, there are several methods of treatment available through both Transplantation and Implantation. However, there is at least a small amount of discomfort or unreliability prevailing with most techniques [4 &5].
Nanochip could heal injuries or regrow organs with one touch by a device that instantly delivers new DNA or RNA into living skin cells to change their function.
What’s a nano chip?
A nanochip is an electronic integrated circuit so small that it can only be measured in the
nanometer scale. The nanochip scale has been the goal of modern technology. With nanochips it would be possible to have computers the size of micro SD cards but thousands of times more powerful because so many more components could fit in a very small space.