The course contents would cover Basics of Human Physiological Systems, Bio electrical Signals and their Acquisition, Basics of Medical Signal Processing, Analysis, Interpretation for correlating them with specific features related to disease classification, Clinical Applications.
Objectives of the Short Term Course
1. To enhance technical and professional competency of the
faculty members.
2. To promote interaction among the professionals working in Bio medical Engineering field and allied areas.
Virtual instrumentation is the use of customizable software and modular measurement hardware to design, test, measure and automate instruments virtually.
LabVIEW is a system design software with comprehensive tools needed to build any measurement or control application in dramatically less time and considered to be an ideal development environment for innovation, discovery, and accelerated results.
Indian Institute of Technology – Kharagpur, West Bengal
Reference Number: IIT/SRIC/R/ISB/2012/138 Temporary Position(s) : Walk-in-interview on 20th September, 2012 at 4-00 PM at Office of the Head, Department of Biotechnology for the post of Research Assistant .
Number of vacancies: 1
Consolidated Compensation: Upto Rs. 12,000/-p.m. (depending on qualification and experience)
Coordinator / PI: Dr. S. C. Kundu, Dept. of Biotechnology
Qualifications & Experience : First class (or equivalent grade point) B. Tech (with two years in culture of animal cells / biomaterials/ bioactivity assays/ molecular biology techniques) or M. Tech in Biotechnology / Chemical Engineering / Biomedical Engineering.
Relevant Experience : Candidate should send prior intimation with their CV to the email ID kundu by 17.09.2013 with a subject heading ‘Walk in interview for RA-ISB’. No query will be entertained regarding relaxation of the minimum eligibility criterion and candidate not meeting the criterion will not be allowed to appear before the interview board.
The qualifications and experience prescribed are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle a candidate to be selected.
Last Date: 20 Sep 2013
Application Fee: Rs. Demand Draft for Rs.50/- (not for female candidates only) drawn in favour of IIT Kharagpur
Early Stage Researcher (PhD fellowship) Brain Machine Interfaces for Motor Neurorehabilitation using Robotics
From € 35.000 per annum (3 years)
Applications are invited for the above -post- position to work with Prof. Javier Minguez on a Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded project in Neural Engineering to underpin work at BitBrain Technologies (spin-off company of the University of Zaragoza) on the Brain Machine Interfaces for Motor Neurorehabilitation using Robotics. The successful candidate will register for a 3 year PhD in the Biomedical Engineering School of the University of Zaragoza.
English: This is the picture of of School of Biotechnology, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, India. I am fortunate to be associated with School being alumnus of M.Sc. (Biotechnology) (2000-02). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)