Tag Archives: Blood flow

National Symposium on Haemodynamics : Clinical and Engineering Aspects


A substantial majority of human death is associated with cardiac failure, not only in our country but also across the world. The changing life style is making the situation worse day by day. Unwanted deposition of fatty acids and glycerol inside the arterial cavity is causing series of problems ranging from stenosis to thrombosis. It is becoming very common even among the people within lower age group. Immediate intervention through medicine and surgery is becoming inevitable for a large section of comparatively young population to solve this type of cardiac problems and save their lives. Here lies the importance of understanding haemodynamics, the study of blood flow or the circulation through arteries, veins and other smaller conduits in human body.

Biomedical Innovation: Patient Specific 3D Blood Flow Model

For a professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, spending time crunching numbers is leading to technologies that could save lives.

Thomas Hughes is developing three dimensional models of blood flow of individual patients.Thomas Hughes is developing three dimensional models of blood flow of individual patients.

Dr. Thomas Hughesand his colleagues have pioneered patient-specific 3-D models of blood flow through the heart and blood vessels that could help guide best practices for cardiologists.

Rather than relying on earlier computer models — where simple two-dimensional geometry shared little resemblance to actual anatomy — medical doctors can now use the work of Hughes to better understand how various medical interventions in the heart and vessels affect blood flow. As a result, crucial information can be provided about the safety and effectiveness of commonly used devices like stents, angioplasties and bypass grafts.

Brain scans reveal what's in your mind's eye

Brain scans reveal what's in your mind's eye

Scientists are getting closer to being able to create an image of whatever you’re picturing your mind. This is either completely amazing or absolutely terrifying. Maybe a little bit of both.

To construct their model, the researchers used an fMRI machine, which measures blood flow through the brain, to track neural activity in three people as they looked at pictures of everyday settings and objects.As in the earlier study, they looked at parts of the brain linked to the shape of objects. Unlike before, they looked at regions whose activity correlates with general classifications, such as “buildings” or “small groups of people.”

Pulse Wave Analysis by impedance plethysmography-PROJECT IDEA

The impedance of extremeeties such as fingers, arms and legs changes with the blood flow in and out, so this provides another method for plethysmography.
The arterial pulse wave has a very low amplitude and is superimposed on the venous blood volume changes. Pulse wave measurements are possible in many locations including the head (this measurement is called rheoencephalography). Pulse waves can also be measured in the fingers and toes with photoplethysmography.