Freshers may also apply
Urgent vacancy for Biomedical Service Engineer/ InstrumentsLocation at Chennai inAnalytical Co.
Company About:
Fast growing ISO accredited organization engagedin sales, installation and maintenance of highly sophisticated AnalyticalEquipment Company.
CTC Range: 2L – 3L ( Better Perform)
Location: Chennai
Qualification: -Bsc- /M.Sc-Physics & electronics/B.E.instrumentation /Biomedical Engineering./Medical Note: (M.Sc. in Physics with Electronics as one subject / BE withelectronics(Instrumentation/communications etc.).
This is a preview of Biomedical Engineer job in Chennai, Urgent Requirement.
Read the full post (422 words, 1 image, estimated 1:41 mins reading time)
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Topics of seminar
- Computer Application in Rehabilitation Engineering
- Latest Developments in Rehabilitation Engineering
- Challenges in Rehabilitation Engineering
- Assist devices in Rehabilitation Engineering
Experts from IISc, IIT’s and Anna University Chennai
Free Accomodation, Boarding and lodging for selected participants
To and Fro 2nd class fare for the outstation Candidates will be given
Deadline: March 20, 2012 When: April 27, 2012 – April 28, 2012
Faculty members from AICTE approved institutions are eligible to apply. Relevant experience in research/teaching in biomedical engineering will be an additional qualification.
This is a preview of Alpha 2012 – National Seminar on Recent Trends in Rehabilitation Engineering.
Read the full post (189 words, 3 images, estimated 45 secs reading time)