Tag Archives: Cognitive Neuroscience

PhD in Neuroscience in Netherlands

It is still largely a mystery how collections of neurons give rise to conscious perception. By now we have some idea of the brain systems involved, but the neural mechanisms and ensemble interactions correlated to perception remain unresolved. In the current project we will investigate how neural ensembles in multiple brain areas respond to visual images, and which types of transmitter receptor in these areas are important for perceptual discrimination. Specifically, we will focus on the interaction between sensory and memory systems in this project. To this end, we will apply multi-area ensemble recordings combined with neuroopharmacology in freely behaving rodents. At a later stage of the project, results will be used to design new computational models of perceptual discrimination. The project will be conducted as part of the UvA’s research priority program Brain and Cognition, in a multidisciplinary collaboration combining psychological, neurobiological, neuroimaging and image-processing research (see www.csca.nl).




Location:Los Angeles, CA

Type:Assistant Professor

Expires:January 21, 2011

Job description

Faculty Position at UCLA, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior

The Semel Institute and the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA are seeking a tenure track faculty member at the Assistant or Associate Professor rank to assume a leadership role in a program of cognitive neuroscience on nonhuman primates in the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience of the Institute. The candidate should be proficient in the creative use of methods of primate behavioral neurophysiology and should have a record of accomplishment using those methods, with evidence of the ability to attract public or private research support. Given the interdisciplinary nature of progress in cognitive neuroscience, and given the rich interdisciplinary environment of UCLA, it is expected that the candidate will be conversant with the latest advances in allied fields and ready to collaborate with colleagues in those fields. The candidate will be expected to participate creatively in interdepartmental teaching programs on cognitive neuroscience.



This grant provides support for graduate students conducting psychological science research studies

Study Subject: Cognitive, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational, Developmental, Experimental or Comparative, Industrial/Organizational, Neuropsychology, Neuroscience, Perception and Psychophysics
Employer: American Psychological Association
Level: Graduate

The intent is to fund psychology graduate students in science oriented fields. Students in fields with a practice component (e.g. clinical, counseling, and school) are not eligible. Students in the following fields are eligible: Cognitive, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational, Developmental, Experimental or Comparative, Industrial/Organizational, Neuropsychology, Neuroscience, Perception and Psychophysics, Personality and Individual Differences, Psycholinguistics, Physiological, Quantitative, Social.

Funds for this $1000 scholarship must be used to support the proposed research. This grant may be used for thesis, dissertation, or other research.

Required materials: