Thriving, respected and established, the University of Hull undertakes internationally acclaimed teaching and research. Equipped with impressive facilities and strong support networks, we’re building on an 80 year legacy of progressive thinking. Our work spans the full range of academic subjects and quality informs our teaching at all levels. Put simply, to join us is to further knowledge regionally, nationally and globally.
The Department of Engineering at the University of Hull is the premier provider of accredited Engineering degree courses in the region. We are a medium-sized department with a reputation for excellent teaching and research, and pride ourselves on the friendly and supportive atmosphere that we provide to our students whilst they study with us.
The Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) In association with Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) of Department of Science and Technology (DST) announced the Indo-US Research Fellowships.This is an effort to augment scientific excellence in ernerging areas of science and technology, The objective of the fellowship is to enable young researchers from India to carry out research in frontier areas of science and technology at a premier institution in USA. The fellowship will enable early and mid career Indian researchers to acquaint themselves with new scientific research methods and at the same time build strong oilaborative linkages between the scientific communities of US and India.