Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary qualifications in order to fill the following academic position at the Cyprus University of Technology:
- One (1) position at the rank of Assistant Professor or Lecturer in the specialization: “Biomedical Devices/Biomechanics”.
Applicants for all academic positions should have a doctorate degree from a recognized University and good knowledge of the Greek language. The university reserves the right to request recognition of the doctorate degree from the Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (K.Y.S.A.T.S). The minimum qualifications that are required for each academic position, including publications and academic experience, are detailed on the University‘s webpage: These qualifications are based on the candidate’s years of academic experience, his/her research and scientific contribution, as well as his/her experience in the organization of high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
This is a preview of Biomedical Faculty job in Cyprus University of Technology.
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A large part of any final year thesis project is the write-up, but every stage of the project will involve some form of writing. Whether you are writing a proposal, an interim report, a draft report, documentation or the final thesis, a very large part of your time will be spent composing text. These are the top 9 mistakes we see from students year on year, avoid them and you can save yourself a lot of time (and earn a lot of marks)…
1. Unsubstantiated claims
This is a preview of Top 9 Mistakes students do while writing their final year project thesis.
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Biotechnology is a growing interdisciplinary subject involving mainstream wide ranging biological disciplines, interfacing with physical, chemical sciences and mathematics involving greater industrial potential in the country. Reva Institute of Science & Management is a pioneer in Biotechnology education and our students have been well placed all over the country. It is proposed to hold a two day seminar to benefit our graduate students in the area of biotechnology interfacing with chemical and healthcare areas. The chemical component is to highlight “International Year of Chemistry”.
Dates: November 24th & 25th.
Reva Institute Of Science And Management, Kattigenahalli, Yelahanka, Bangalore– 560064
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Have u just joined as a Biomedical Engineer?
Do you feel that your performance is not upto the mark in servicing the equipments?
If you feel that something you are not able to figure out on your own?
When you service any machine, you have some doubts which you can’t share with your manager?
I have the answer for all your question. A group of veteran Biomedical Engineers have contacted me to provide the free technical support to the Biomedical Engineers working in the field for any kind of problem they are facing.
This is a preview of Free Technical Support Service for Biomedical Engineers.
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FIU is a multi-campus public research university located in Miami, a vibrant, international city. FIU offers more than 190 baccalaureate, masters, professional and doctoral degree programs to over 46,000 students. As one of South Florida’s anchor institutions, FIU is worlds ahead in its local and global engagement and is committed to finding solutions to the most challenging problems of our times. It has achieved Carnegie Research University status (with high research activity). In 2006, FIU launched the first public medical school in South Florida. The College of Engineering and Computing is home to a state-of-the-art nanofabrication and medical device packaging facility.
This is a preview of Faculty Positions in Florida International university.
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