Post: Graduate Apprentice Trainee—Biomedical Engg / Electronics and Instrumentation / Electronics and Biomedical Engg. / Biomedical Instrumentation Engg.)
No. of vacancy: 6 + Panel
Qualification:BTechDegree in Biomedical Engineering / Applied Electronics and Instrumentation / Electronics and Biomedical Engg. / Biomedical Instrumentation engg. (Eligible for training only if the date of commencement of training and the date of issue of last mark list is less than three years.)
Stipend: Rs. 5000/- per month.
Venue: IV Floor, Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies of the Institute at Medical College Campus, Thiruvananthapuram.
AMC calls updates,
Maintaining operator & service manual Data book maintenance,
Installation report and installation record maintenance,
Testing equipment and tools maintenance,
Updating the new equipment details in the comp.
How to Apply – Duly completed application along with needed documents should be mailed to the following address – Mission Director, National Rural Health Mission, Health Department, Paryatan Bhawan, Bay No. 55-58, Sector 2, Punchkula, Haryana
National Institute of Technology, invites application for the post JRF
Name of the Research Project “Development of Calcium Phosphate based Machinable Bioceramics”
Qualification : B.Tech/M.Tech in Ceramic/Metallurgy/Chemical/Mechanical Engg./Biomedical Engg./Biotech/Nanotech OR M.Sc in Mats.Sc/ Physics/Chemistry/Nanoscience/Nanotech.Desirable Qualifications/ Experiences:Any higher qualification/experience in Bioceramics
Conducting Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation based research studies under supervision of the Principal Investigator. Candidates will be fully trained in the procedure and will be working along with clinician and other trained technologists.
Project Details Project Title :: Cerebellum and Cortical Plasticity: The Case of Dystonia
• An Indo-French Collaborative Project funded thru ICMR
• Principal Investigator: Dr Asha Kishore, Professor of Neurology
Comprehensive Care Centre for Movement Disorders, Department of Neurology