Millennium Research Group (MRG) predicts that the Indian market for diagnostic imaging systems will see a strong growth rate in the coming years and would grow at an average rate of nearly nine per cent per year. It also predicts that the market would reach almost $830 million by 2016. Strong growth is expected in the low-end and mid-range systems purchased by small hospitals and facilities in rural areas that did not have imaging capability previously. Higher priced systems for urban facilities transitioning to higher-end CT and MRI systems and from analog to digital X-ray imaging are also expected to grow rapidly.
We are extremely happy to inform you that we are organising the First national Conference on BIOMED-REVOLUTION (BIOMED-REV 2012) on 16TH MARCH 2012,Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India.
Date of Function: 16TH MARCH 2012
This conference is exclusively focused on BIO-MEDICAL REVOLUTION’S. This conference is arranged specially for the benefit of Research workers, Physicians, Young Investigators and Bio-medical Engineers, making it a truly interdisciplinary conference. The goal of the conference emphasizes interdisciplinary research on Artificial Intelligence, Bio-materials, Bio-informatics, Medical Instrumentation, Nano-Technology, Bio-signal and Medical Image Processing, VLSI, Artificial organs & embedded system, MEMS etc…
This course has two components. On the one hand, it is an introduction to digital image analysis presenting selected fundamental problems in medical image analysis, computer vision, photo/video editing, and graphics. We cover such basic concepts as image segmentation, registration, object recognition/matching, tracking, texture, etc. On the other hand, this is an applied course on standard computer science algorithms where students develop practical understanding of dynamic programming, graph based algorithms, computational geometry methods, etc. In fact, image analysis provides a stimulating environment for studying algorithms as their outputs can be intuitively visualized. Students with previous background in algorithms will be exposed to applications in image analysis, while students already familiar with problems in imaging will learn efficient methods based on standard CS algorithms. The course emphasizes the design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms in the context of 2D/3D medical images, photo and video data.
The conference should give a forum for information exchange among theoreticians, engineers, and medical people. Original papers, research results, and contributions concerning interesting technical solutions will be appreciated as well as clinical experiences and survey lectures for presentation in the following areas:
The Symposium provide a forum for the presentation of new developments in the important interdisciplinary field of biomedical systems involving the application of concepts, methods and techniques of modeling, informatics and control of complex biomedical systems.
The Symposium address problems in biomedicine, physiology and biology related to:
• model formulation,
• experiment design,
• identification and validation,
• biosignal analysis and interpretation,
• developments in measurement,
• signal processing,
• tracer kinetic modeling using various
• imaging systems,
• biomedical system modeling, simulation and visualization,
• decision support and control.