Most often, people use Fitness trackers for keeping track of their fitness activity, set achievable goals and to motivate themselves. Fitness trackers are mostly wearable electronics that measure/track your activity such as steps taken, distance walked, calorie consumption and even heart rate in some cases. Most fitness trackers have an accelerometer that helps in tracking our activity. Some fitness trackers may also have altimeter, music player and many other features. So, how does the fitness tracker do it?
“IEEE Workshop on MEMS & Microsystems with Hands-on training in Device Simulation & Microfabrication Process” is being jointly organized by IEEE Student Branch, WiE Affinity group of IIT Kharagpur and IEEE EMB Student Club IIT Kharagpur. The workshop aims to provide an excellent forum to interact and share ideas on the MEMS and microelectronics system, technologies, emerging applications with hands-on simulation and fabrication procedure to the students, researchers and faculties working in the area of MEMS sensing and technology. This will be a three days workshop where experts from industries and academia are invited to share their knowledge in the respective fields.
MEMS have long been used in biomedical sensing applications around the patient,for monitoring things like blood pressure or activity levels in people or ?ow rates in bedside equipment. But now products based on the major progress in MEMS technology of the last few years are starting to make it through the long Biomedical development process to the market, applying that sensing information to intervene inside the body, in smarter implants and better minimally invasive procedures.
Receipt of full paper for review : August 15, 2011 Intimation of Acceptance after review : September 30, 2011 Deadline for receipt of revised full paper : November 15, 2011 Last date for advance registration : November 30, 2011