Watch any TV medical drama and you’ll see a defibrillator in action. During tense moments, defibrillators bring patients back from the brink of death with a dramatic shock. But what you don’t see on TV is the cell membrane, muscle, and skin damage that a defibrillator’s shock can cause. Even implanted defibrillators are painful to patients and damaging to tissue. But gentler devices may be on the way. A research team led by Stefan Luther of the Max Planck Institute and Flavio Fenton of Cornell University has found a new approach that greatly reduces the intensity of defibrillating shocks.
Some times, it become essential to monitor physiological events from a distant place.
Some of such situations are:
(a) Monitoring of astronauts during flight.
(b) Monitoring of patients in ambulance while transit to hospital.
(c) Monitoring of patients while obtaining their exercise electrocardiogram.
(d) Monitoring of patients who are permitted to stay away from the hospital.
(e) Monitoring of animals in their natural habitat.
(f) Transmission of ECG or other medical information through telephone links
(g) Isolating the patients from electricity operated measuring equipment such as ECG equipment inorder to prevent any accidental shock to them.
About the idea
The idea of creating an “Indian” Bone Marrow registry was because of the lack of donor availability for Indians for a successful stem cell therapy.
Lack of good medically eligible donors is the need for many doctors and hospitals to do a transplant on needy adults and children.
The promoters of Cell Source have been in the stem cell industry since its growth in India and have a deep understanding on market demands, regulations, and ethics for leading the industry in the right direction.
Burn victims must undergo a painful debridement of their wounds in order to prevent infection. Normally, they are given morphine and other non-anesthetic pain-killers. Sadly, this does not work. They still yell in pain during the operation, which is why they have to be housed seperately from other patients.
Why aren’t the burn patients given anesthesia [local or general] prior to the operation? Is there a safety issue with anesthetics?
Burn victims definitely deserve adequate pain relief at all times including during dressing change
They are grossly under-dosed in clinical practice
This is a preview of Why Anaesthesia is not used for Patients with Burn?.
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Technological innovations in the medical device industry have led to a radical transformation in patient care. This report identifies the sectors with the industry’s most important developments related to patient care, clinical outcomes, and new product development. While the scope of the report is limited to the top ten technologies only, it covers almost the entire medical device market.
Scientific and medical technology breakthroughs – such as minimally invasive surgery (MIS) – have accelerated the accuracy of clinical outcomes and have also reduced recovery times and the medical costs borne by patients. This has led to radical transformation in patient care.
Read the full post (273 words, 1 image, estimated 1:06 mins reading time)