Tag Archives: Public health

PhD Admissions in Biomedical Engineering at SCTIMST, Trivandrum

Applications are invited from highly motivated students for admission to the Ph.D. Programme beginning in August 2012 at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum.

Eligibility:Post-graduate degree in Physics,Chemistry, Materials Science, Polymer chemistry/ Polymer sciences, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Physiology, Zoology or any other branch of life sciences (excluding plant sciences and Bioinformatics). M.Tech in Polymer Engineering/Technology, M.Tech in Materials Science or Post graduate degree in Public Health, Cardiovascular Sciences, Neurosciences and Imaging & Interventional Radiology, Dentistry, Nursing, Veterinary Sciences, Social Sciences and Statistics.

Wellcome Trust fellowship for Biomedical Researchers of India

The India Alliance is a £80 million partnership between The Wellcome Trust, UK, and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT, Government of India). We are an independent charitable trust and began operations in 2009. Our mandate is to build biomedical research capacity in India primarily through generous, flexible and long-term Fellowships at key stages of a research career.


Early Career Fellowship
For the most promising postdoctoral researchers, to pursue an independent research project in India that would enable them to launch their independent research career.

Intermediate Fellowship
For those with a proven track record, to establish an independent laboratory with a high-quality research programme in India.

Lecture notes on Medical Informatics

Introduction 2008 [pdf]
Modelling [pdf]Introduction (Zlatko Trajanoski) [pdf]
Introduction to SVM (Vojislav Kecman) [pdf]
Basics of Support Vector Machines (Vojislav Kecman) [pdf]
Gene Expression Clustering (Alexander Sturn) [pdf]
Neural Networks (Zlatko Trajanoski) [pdf]
PCA (Zlatko Trajanoski) [pdf]
SOM (Zlatko Trajanoski) [pdf]
Decision Trees (Zlatko Trajanoski) [pdf]
Introduction to Probability Theory (Fatima Sanchez Cabo) [pdf]
Introduction to Statistical Inference (Fatima Sanchez Cabo) [pdf]
ELGA and eHealth (Karl Pfeiffer) [pdf]

Combined document (contains all of the documents above) [pdf]

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