People from BioMEMS research group @ University of auckland stated that
Their most recent work (Wlodkowic D, Khoshmanesh K, Sharpe JC, Darzynkiewicz Z, Cooper JM. Apoptosis goes on a chip: advances in the microfluidic analysis of programmed cell death. Anal Chem. 2011 Jun 16. [Epub ahead of print])provides an innovative summary of the recent advances in miniaturized chip-based devices for the analysis of programmed cell provides future prospects of the Lab-on-a-Chip devices with wide reaching perspectives in anti-cancer drug discovery and high-throughput cell-based screening routines.
Medical bionics is the replacement or monitoring of damaged organs through engineered devices that interface with the body to improve health outcomes. In this presentation I will concentrate on medical bionic devices designed to restore or supplement function of the nervous system lost during disease or injury.
A number of commercially available neural prostheses will be described – including the remarkably successful bionic ear and deep brain stimulation for movement control.
I will then review some of the current research performed around the world – including recent developments in brain-machine interface that will ultimately allow patients to control prosthetic limbs and wheel chairs; developments in functional electrical stimulation for gait and standing in paraplegia; and research to develop a prosthetic balance system.
The research project focuses on the improvement of the efficacy of deep brain stimulation and the gain of new information about its mechanism of action by extended intraoperative data recording.
The aim of the project is to intraoperatively evaluate symptoms (tremor, rigidity) and movements using accel erometry, to process, manage, and visualize the high quantity of data and, if possible, to propose a disease-specific mathematical model.
A research project at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) has paved way to smallest and affordable printers,producing 3-D objects.Several scientific fields have to come together, to design a 3D-printer. The device was assembled by mechanical engineers in the research group of professor Jürgen Stampfl, but also the chemical research by the team of professor Robert Liska was of crucial importance: first, chemists have to determine which special kinds of synthetic material can be used for printing.
The basic principle of the 3D-printer is quite simple: The desired object is printed in a small tub filled with synthetic resin. The resin has a very special property: It hardens precisely where it is illuminated with intense beams of light. Layer for layer, the synthetic resin is irradiated at exactly the right spots. When one layer hardens, the next layer can be attached to it, until the object is completed. This method is called “additive manufacturing technology.” “This way, we can even produce complicated geometrical objects with an intricate inner structure, which could never be made using casting techniques,” Klaus Stadlmann explains. He developed the prototype together with Markus Hatzenbichler.
Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead. — Gene Fowler
A major goal of this course is the development of effective technical writing skills. To help you become an accomplished writer, you will prepare several research papers based upon the studies completed in lab. Our research papers are not typical “lab reports.” In a teaching lab a lab report might be nothing more than answers to a set of questions. Such an assignment hardly represents the kind of writing you might be doing in your eventual career.