BIODEVICES is sponsored by INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication
The purpose of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices is to bring together researchers and practitioners from electronics and mechanical engineering, interested in studying and using models, equipments and materials inspired from biological systems and/or addressing biological requirements. Monitoring devices, instrumentation sensors and systems, biorobotics, micro-nanotechnologies and biomaterials are some of the technologies addressed at this conference.
This is a preview of Call for papers- International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices BIODEVICES-2012.
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The IITM Summer Fellowship Programme for two months duration with fixed stipend of Rs.6,500/
is designed to enhance
awareness and interest in high quality academic research among young Engineering, Management, Sciences and
Humanities students through a goal oriented summer miniproject
to be undertaken in different departments of this Institute.
Candidates pursuing III year of B.E./B.Tech/B.Sc. (Engg.) / Integrated M.E. / M.Tech. programme and first year of ME /
M.Tech / M.Sc. / M.A. / MBA with outstanding academic background in terms of high ranks (within three ranks) in
University examinations are encouraged to apply, highlighting their academic performance and achievements including
papers presented at seminars, projects executed, design contests participated, score/rank in Mathematics Olympiad and
any other awards/distinctions obtained.
Application form and other details can be downloaded from the IITM website:
This is a preview of Summer Training with Scholarship@ IIT Madras-Summer Fellowship 2011.
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PhD Fellowships are awarded to outstanding young scientists (max. age: 27 years) who wish to pursue an ambitious PhD project of approximately 3 years in basic biomedical research in an internationally leading laboratory. For further details please refer to “Who can apply?”. The peer-review-based selection process is highly competitive. Applicants should therefore be outstanding in all three selection criteria.
To promote basic research in biomedicine by providing the best young, up-and-coming scientists with comprehensive support during their PhD phase.
Read the full post (387 words, 1 image, estimated 1:33 mins reading time)