It is a classic image: a critically ill patient in a hospital bed connected to various medical devices by wires and IV tubing for monitoring and treatment. These devices are attached to the wall beside the bed and wired into the hospital infrastructure. While this is certainly still a real and necessary role for medical devices, the needs have expanded to include many other locations, roles in patient care, types of devices and connections to patients and devices.

The Berkley Tricorder is a highly integrated piece of wireless technology capable of monitoring a wide range of physiological parameters with very high precision in a compact form factor. It represents a platform that can be used for a wide range of applications such as:
Read the full post (333 words, 2 images, estimated 1:20 mins reading time)
IBM Technologies Recruitment Drive
Venue: DIET, Kharar, Punjab . (Campus-1)
Reporting Time: 11.00 am on 02th January 2010.
NOTE: Students
must send their confirmation directly only by sending an SMS at
099143-77140 containing their name, Course & College name.
Instructions for the …Joint Placement Drive
ü A photo identification like license; college I Card, etc is to be brought by the candidate.
ü You
need to carry 2 passport size photographs, all the original
certificates & 1 set of photocopies of certificates with you at the
time of test.
This is a preview of JOBS IN NORTH INDIA-IBM TECHNOLOGIES RECRUITMENT DRIVE 2ND JANUARY(criteria details added) updateddo.
Read the full post (223 words, 1 image, estimated 54 secs reading time)