Cardiology and CTVS,Neurology and Neurosurgery, Gastroenterology and Gastrosurgery, Nephrology and Urosurgery,Orthopaedics,Obs.and Gynae. Infertility,Oncosurgery,Critical Care,Pathology,Radiology,Blood Bank,Nuclear Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine and Internal Medicine.
Job Application Details:The interested persons are requested to apply through our website opportunity on or before 30th May 2013.
Designs extremely practical and find use in day-to-day life of people
It is said that necessity is the mother of invention, and the biomedical engineeringstudents of Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering for Women have shown how true the idiom is. The students as part of their final-year project have developed twelve prototypes that can aid in healthcare. The students have developed the concept from scratch with the help of the faculty and have created working models of their innovative ideas. All the designs are extremely practical and find use in day-to-day life of people not only undergoing medical treatment but in diagnosis and the lives of the disabled as well.
Students will be able to apply the principles of electronic circuits and devices to the use and design of instrumentation in the biomedical area. They will have gained a basic knowledge of the operating principles of electrical and other transducers, analog and digital instrumentation, applied signal acquisition and processing, electrical safety in the medical environment, electrical properties of nerve and muscle physiology; and instrumentation used in cardiopulmonary, neurological, surgical, and rehabilitation areas of medicine.
The workshop shall focus on topics like Bio-devices and Medical Instrumentation , Health Informatics, Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms and Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing.
The committee is also organizing a contest on Bio-medical Imaging, which aims at finding efficient and faster algorithms to segment the cells in Breast Cancer Images.
Bio MedicalEngineer having Degree or Diploma in Bio- Medical Engineering with minimum experience of 1-2yrs in Healthcare Industry, Having experience for maintaining & repairing electro- medical Equipments in Hospitals.