Biomedical Engineer
“As one of the 50 best careers of 2010, this should have strong growth over the next decade”
The rundown:
People today live longer and with better standards of living thanks to a host of factors, not least of which is the explosive advancement in medical processes, devices, and equipment.
Imagine medical care without asthma inhalers, artificial hearts, magnetic resonance imaging, or prosthetic limbs. Along with scientists and other professionals, biomedical engineers help develop the equipment and devices that improve or enable the preservation of health.
They apply their knowledge of engineering—particularly mechanical or electronic—to areas such as imaging, drug delivery, or biomaterials.
Some biomedical engineers might spend their time working on devices and procedures related to rehabilitation or to orthopedics. In general, biomedical engineering applies multiple sciences to the study of the human body and medical problems.
The outlook:
No single occupation is expected to have more job growth over the next decade or so. Employment of biomedical engineers is expected to grow by a whopping 72 percent—adding nearly 12,000 jobs—between 2008 and 2018.
The anticipated growth results from the aging of the baby boom generation, and corresponding increase in need for medical procedures, along with the appetite for medical innovation and advancement.
Biomedical engineers may advance to more complex research and development projects. They may later move up to supervisory positions.
Activity level:
Average. You may not be constantly moving, but it’s not a standard desk job.
Stress level:
Average. You’ll face deadlines and pressure, yes, but much of your work is self-directed, and schedules tend to be pretty routine.
Education and preparation:
Some biomedical engineers have undergraduate degrees in mechanical or electronics engineering, while newer students may pursue biomedical degrees even at the undergraduate level. For research and development work, you’ll generally need a graduate degree.
Median annual wages for biomedical engineers were $77,400 in 2008. The highest-paid 10 percent make more than $122,000, while the lowest-paid 10 percent make less than $48,000.