I wrote a part of it earlier in the blog as written below if you have not read that you can read it from below given link
Now the story continues from where I left
Now as if a student has entered the second year of biomedical engineering , he/she realizes the fact that ” they are on such a island where there are no basic resources like books,notes,guidance etc . They have to do that on their own and it is the most difficult thing for a indian school bred student who has had a habit of cramming the lecture notes given by the student
As other branches are already well established so you can have notes, books from your seniors as well as teachers , if not like that you can take them from the students of other colleges
But as biomedical is in very few college so arranging previous year papers , notes ,books becomes very difficult.
This can be treated as a fact that you are all alone in the island and you have to sail through alone to a place in abroad where you are valued as a biomedical engineer
This unceratinity about future and continuous discouragement by the environment around a biomedical engineer leads to the fact that they start losing interest in what they are ?
Now if one has entered this field so he/she needs to complete it , and in that case you cant get any reference books , good articles and journals to study
you just are confined to the some text which is availaable in books
Also a biomedical engineer needs to be good in electronics as well as biology
Thus he needs to know everything for good , This application part kills as most of indian education teaches theoretical application ,practical applications are often ignore due to the dearth of labs
This issue i would like to take up separately in my next article happy reading……………..