Biomedical engineering training is the most crucial part of his/her life
This is because of the fact that there are no laboratories in the colleges so the students have to look out through the market,industry for getting the best practical knowledge as an engineer
This article is not about criticizing it is about what steps to be implemented to get the best out of what you have.
First of all you should convince yourself that whatever training you are doing is best among your fellow classmates and you would be learning something
You should not do the training for time pass as there is lot of time in college for that
So your first focus is to develop a positive attitude out of whatever you have got a hospital , a industry , or a private firm for the training.
Training is about WHAT HOW & WHY ? if you are successful in putting up these questions at your guide it means you are doing something , at least you are interested in the subject concerned. now i will tell you HOW THIS WORKS?
Wherever you go the person who is teaching you has greater knowledge and experience then you have
So you should first of all become a big zero in ego respect & be humble and you must show respect to the person who is teaching you
you must be able to grasp and suck what all he knows .
I tell you IT works (its my personnal experience)
once you have considered him your guru your learning chapter becomes easy
How to ask those questions > what,how & why?
It’s not like that you should continuosly ask these three questions you should ask whenever there is a doubt and doubt is always there if you are listening or seriously attending him
whenever you ask a question never feel shy about the fact that you dont know instead you should be happy that till date you were not aware of that fact & now you have learned it n you would be now able to tell all your juniors and mates about it
Main thing is never hesitate in asking questions
No question is stupid in this world all the answers are stupid as they give rise to questions because of their incompleteness
This is the moral you should beleive while you learn.
There are certain students who tend to ask those things which they already know in order to create a good impression over teacher
But this only spoils the time of the class
There are also certain students who study to embarras the teacher in the class , so they study beforehand and differently
But these tactics are also not good
So the thing is simple this question tactics can work in both sense positive as well as negative
Never say “YES” till you yourself get the concept.
It is generally seen theat there are certain dominant alleles in class as well as training which tend to mask the presence of other
They can do it because they have sharp minds , but there are students who dont get the things they dont nod the head in “No” because they feel it is very silly question that is coming into their mind
One should realise the fact that if they dont know that thing then that thing is not silly for him /her
may be it is silly for others , so the jist is that you need to be selfish while taking training and you should not leave anything like that “anyone else will tell me”
One should be well disciplined and punctual in the training as it is the only place where they will get to learn about the engineering itself
You must go into your training with a spirit that you need to learn the best at any costs and as you have to be the best among all your fellows
There must be passion a proud feeling that