We are glad to inform that the Department of Instrumentation Technology, RYMEC, Bellary is conducting five days VTU-VGST faculty development programme on “ADVANCED BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES”, From 10th to 14th March-2012.
Register at: www.rymec.org/FDP.aspx
Sponsored By
Visvesvaraya Technological University
Catalyzed & Supported by
Vision Group On Science & Technology(VGST)
Govt. of Karnataka,Bangalore.
Faculty development programme Highlights:
- To focus on advanced Instrumentation, measurement concepts & scientific underpinnings that enable new methods & applications in medical field
- To update the faculty with current trends & technologies in Biomedical Instrumentation
- To help faculty for carrying out the research work
- To Provide a common platform to share technical & medical experiences
- To create an opportunity to share the recent developments, current practices and future trends in the field of Biomedical Engineering.
- Emphasis is on gaining knowledge on advanced technology through this program.
Resource persons: 14
*Eminent teaching faculty from elite academic institutions
*Experienced & Expertised Doctors from Cardiology, ophthalmology, psychiatry, radiology.
Chief Patrons:
Prof. C.N.R. Rao, F.R.S.
National Research Professor,
Chairman, Science Advisory Council to the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Govt. of India.
Shri. M.N.Vidyashankar , I.A.S.
Principal Secretary to Govt.
Dept. of IT, BT, and S & T, Govt. of Karnataka, Bangalore.
Dr. S. Ananth Raj,
Executive Secretary,
Vision Group on Science and Technology, Bangalore
Mrs.Rakhee Patil
Asst Prof & Head ,Department of IT,
RYMEC, Bellary.
Mr S. Kotresh ,Asst Prof,Dept of IT , Cell: 9986275325
Mr Siddalingesh.G , Lecturer,Dept of IT , Cell:9611174707
Student Co-ordinator:
Praveen Kumar.D , 8th sem, Dept of IT, Cell:8105566721
Sumanth.R , 8th sem, dept of IT, cell:9964848890
Registration Form
Name of the Participant: ………………………………………
Designation: …………………………………………………………
Department: …………………………………………………………
College Name: ………………………………………………………
Address: ……………………………………………………………….
Contact Number: ………………………………………………….
Email id: ……………………………………………………………….
Signature of the Seal & Signature of the
Participant Head of the Institution
Last date for Registration: 1ST MARCH-2012
Confirmation by E-mail: 3rd MARCH-2012
I) Photocopies of this registration form may also be used or register on-line at the address: www.rymec.org/FDP.aspx.
II) Eligibility: Faculty from IT, BM, ML, EEE, ECE, Mech, CSE,ISE,& Research scholars.
III) TA subject to actuals as per VTU norms (Tickets to be submitted) & accommodation to the outstation participants will be provided on request.
IV) There shall be no registration fee & Participants are restricted to 40 only. Duly filled registration forms to be sent to the coordinator on or before 1stMarch 2012.
V) VTU-VGST-FDP Certificates of participants shall be considered for Career Advancement Scheme(CAS) as per recommendations of theCommittee.
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