*Students of Biomedical Engineering can visit the exhibition on the below mentioned dates. This post will also give you an idea of what you can work on in your final year project.
(6-7 April, 2012)
Venue: Product Development Center, PSG College of Technology
Visitors’ Time: 10:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m.
Biomed 2012 is an annual project exhibition organised by the Biomedical Engineering
Department, PSG College of Technology. The objective of the exhibition is to develop product
development skills in the student and also to showcase the developed innovations to the industry, for
further development of commercial model of instruments with a market potential. Such an exhibition will
also motivate the student to find more and more innovative applications of technology for reaching the
goal of Health for all in our country.
The objectives of the projects exhibited range from providing assistance to doctors in diagnosis and
controlling certain parameters in their often used instruments. They include
- Cost effective Syringe infusion pump (Assists the doctor/nurse to deliver the right amount of the drug at the required controlled rate to the patient)
- Depth of general anesthesia monitor using body impedance (Assists the doctor in administering the right amount of anesthesia to the patient depending on his body conditions)
- Design of Pulse Oximeter Using PSoC (An innovative easy to carry device that measures heart rate and pulse rate)
- Analysing PCG using loudspeaker (Assistive device to the doctor to listen to the PCG as a loud signal and to analyse it easily)
- Volumetric measurement of urinary bladder using ultrasound images (Assists the doctor in automated and accurate measurement of bladder volume using image processing techniques)
- An optimal water marking scheme for medical imaging (Innovative Security mechanism for wireless transfer of medical images)
- PSoC based efficient Infusion Pump (Assists the doctor/nurse to deliver the right amount of the drug at the required controlled rate to the patient)
Few others aim at developing technologies that would leads to cost effective biomedical
instruments, such as
- Risk analysis in the detection of breast cancer (Innovative techniques in accurate identification of breast cancer)
- Hemoanalysis using Image Processing Techniques (Innovative method of automated blood cell counting using image processing techniques)
- Development of CPAP (Innovative technique for development of CPAP which will bring down the cost of the equipment)
- Development of biosensor for the detection of breast cancer using protein nano particle interaction (Nano technology based Innovative Low cost Method for identification of breast cancer)
- Human body motion detector using image processing and validation using EMG sensors (Innovative idea for identifying sleep disorder using image processing techniques)
- Brain Fingerprinting and analysis of P300 from EEG (Innovative methods for detecting information stored in human brain)
- Early detection of cardiovascular disease using HRV analysis (Innovative method for automatic detection of cardiovascular disease using signal processing and pattern recognition)
The others aim at improving the assistive healthcare solutions to improve patient care such as
- Design and development of Gait recognition (Innovative method for analyzing the gait of a person suing image processing techniques which can be used for improved patient care)
- Design and simulation of multichannel micro-electrode for nerve stimulation (Innovative method using MEMS technology for designing microelectrodes that can be used for nerve simulation inside the brain)
- EMG pattern recognition system for prosthetic hand (Sophisticated Assistive Device in form of an artificial human hand for a person who has lost his limb)
- An Automated EEG Based Drunken Driving Prevention system (An automated alertness monitoring system of immense use in vehicles)
- Multimodal Biometric Authentication System (Automated verification system based on biometric image processing and pattern recognition)
- Zigbee based Multiparameter Monitoring System (A wireless environment monitoring and controlling station)
- Brain Computer Interface for Four way navigation (An assistive device for navigation of a disabled person, in which the brain signals via EEG are used to interpret the users need)
- Bio-electric Arm (Sophisticated Assistive Device in form of an artificial human hand for a person who has lost his limb)
- Intelligent Wheelchair (Innovative wheelchair for severely disabled, in which direction of movement is controlled by the users’ biosignals)
- Fat Analyser (Innovative device that measures the amount of body fat using body impedance)
The exhibition would be visited by several Engineering companies such as Wipro-GE
Healthcare, Philips Healthcare Systems, Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions
Limited, Achira Labs, Perfint Technologies, Prognosys Medical Systems, Villa India, Pricol
Medical Systems, Premier Evolvics, Lakshmi Life sciences, Precitron, AGT Electronics and
many other companies.
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- Biomedical Companies List – Samsung Medison (biomedikal.in)
- XEURON 2012: Biomedical Engineering Techfest in Mumbai (biomedikal.in)
- BINOCS 2012- Techno Carnival of Biomedical Engineering (biomedikal.in)
- Am I a Biomedical Engineer?? (biomedikal.wordpress.com)
- Biomedical Engineering- Ignored Profession in India (biomedikal.in)
- BIOMEIC 2012- Biomedical Engineering International Conference (biomedikal.in)
- Umbilikal- International Biomedical Engineering E-Magazine (biomedikal.in)