The workshop aims to discuss the various ways and means by which information and communication technology can be applied in health care sector so that selective diagnosis, emergency and long-term clinical care can be provided to people. It can also help to produce new clinical decision support systems which can aid the physician. This workshop will explore the possibility of reducing the cost & complexity involved in healthcare practice thereby benefiting healthcare professionals and ultimately aims to provide quality healthcare to people at a lesser cost. Further this workshop will highlight the need for continued support for the advancement of e-health leading to health Information System, Telemedicine/TeleHealth and its applications which have greater relevance to rural people in India.
Registration Fee:
Rs150/- for all U.G and P.G Students
Rs.300/- for Research scholors and faculty members
The participants can submit their duly filled-in sponsored application to the coordinators along with the demand draft drawn in favour of “The Principal, PSNA College of Engg. & Tech” payable at Dindigul.
Registration form can be downloaded here
Important Dates:
Last date for receipt of filled in applications: 04 august 2012
Date of intimation to the participants: 06 aug 2012
On prior request, accommodation will be arranged in our college hostel at nominal cost. 75 Rs per day
Session 1: | Mr.K.Anandan, Deputy Manager Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporation Limited, Chennai |
Session 2: | Dr. K.Bommanna Raja, Prof. & Head Department of Biomedical Engineering, P.S.N.A College of Engineering and Technology. |
Session 3: | Dr.M.Anburajan, Prof. & Head Department of Biomedical Engineering, SRM University, Chennai. |
Session 4: | Mrs.C.Karthikeyini, Associate Professor Department of ECE, P.S.N.A College of Engineering and Technology. |
Day 2 :10.08.2012 (Friday)
Session 1: | Mr.Satheesh Jadav, Director Biokit, Mumbai. (Hands on Training) |
Session 2: | Dr.J.Saravanakumar, Dean (Research) P.S.N.A College of Engineering and Technology. |
Session 3: | Mrs. Janet Ebinazer Mary, Team Leader E4E Healthcare Solutions, Chennai. |
Session 4: | Certificate Distribution & Valedictory |
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