Invites applications for a Junior Research Fellow in a DAE sponsored project.
Title of the Project : Development of Novel Algorithms for Three Dimensional Near Infrared Tomographic Imaging of Breast
Tenure of the project : 31.03.2014
Essential Qualification: B.E./B.Tech. in ECE/EE/CS/IT/E&I or M.Sc. in Physics/Computer Science
Desirable qualification: GATE/NET Qualified. Basic Matlab Programming Skills
Job description : Developing computationally efficient models and evaluating them for dynamic imaging of breast.
Emoluments : Rs.16,000/- pm (fixed) + 30% HRA
Candidates should send their applications on plain paper furnishing the bio-data (including e-mail id), attested copies of certificates in support of age, qualification, experience etc., to Dr. Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy, Ph.D., Supercomputer Education and Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012, e-mail: phani#serc.iisc.in (replace# with @), within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.