Centre for MEMS and Micro-Fluidics
Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai – 602105
Internship Program on MEMS & Micro Fluidics
Date: 8 – 12 June 2015 Venue: Centre for MEMS & Micro-Fluidics
While finding engineers and machinists with micro-manufacturing skills, there is definitely a skill gap in micro-manufacturing throughout the world. It is a global issue. Research work in the field of MEMS and Microfluidics also get delayed due to the lack of manpower with the knowledge and skills in the area of Micro-manufacturing. Since the investment cost for micro-machining processes and maintenance cost of clean room facilities are very expensive, only very few Institutions like IITs have the full-pledged facilities for micro-machining technology. We have also developed very important micro fabrication facilities at this centre under various sponsored projects. Participating in this internship will surely be a very good opportunity.
The objective of this internship program is to create skilled manpower in the area of micro-manufacturing for Industry requirements and research organizations.
This course will cover the design and simulation of MEMS devices along with essential micro-fabrication techniques including photolithography, spin-coating, thin film metal deposition, etching and characterization. Attendees will gain valuable experience by wonderful lectures and hands on training on fabrication of micro devices. Special practical sessions on fabrication of Micro-Fluidic Devices using Soft-Lithography technique will also be provided. The detailed day-wise schedule will be sent to the selected participants on or before 5th June 2015.
Target Audience:
Participation is open to all the general technical community (Electrical / Electronics / Mechanical / Aero / Bio-medical / Bio-technology /Automobile / Instrumentation / Nanotechnology) from undergraduate level to post graduate or research level. Anyone who expects to become an expert in MEMS / Micro-fluidics in near future is strongly encouraged to attend this course. The course is suitable for both new and experienced researchers interested in micro-fabrication techniques and applications. Accommodation will be given based on prior request on payment basis.
Registration Fee: Rs. 3,800/-
Rs. 3,500/- for REC and RIT
Online Registration: Kindly do the online registration in the following link.
Last date for registration: 03.06.2015
Hurry up. Only few seats are available.
Registration will be confirmed based on first come, first serve.