The course contents would cover Basics of Human Physiological Systems, Bio electrical Signals and their Acquisition, Basics of Medical Signal Processing, Analysis, Interpretation for correlating them with specific features related to disease classification, Clinical Applications.
Objectives of the Short Term Course
1. To enhance technical and professional competency of the
faculty members.
2. To promote interaction among the professionals working in Bio medical Engineering field and allied areas.
Biomechanics is an emerging interdisciplinary field with contribution from professionals of various engineering disciplines and other fields like medicine, industry, physiotherapy, sports etc. In biomechanics, the structural and functional behaviour of biological systems are studied using the principles of mechanics and engineering.
Developing methods, procedures and devices to improve impaired movements of patients with musculoskeletal diseases/disorders is an important area of R&D in biomechanics. An understanding of the biomechanics of the system and expertise of engineering, medical and industrial fields are essential to develop safe, affordable and accessible solutions for such problems. However such an interdisciplinary approach, though quite needed, is still at its initial stage in an Indian context.
Thin film coatings and surface engineering are an integral part of many bio-medical devices. Many cardiovascular, orthopedic and other implants as well as extra-corporeal accessories require fatigue-resistant, high-strength materials coatings and bio/hemo-compatible surfaces to achieve the intended functionality. Novel concepts, technology and thinking in this field have enabled advancement in existing devices as well as development of futuristic devices. International Workshop on Coatings and Surfaces for Bio medical engineering (IWCSB 2014) is an attempt to discuss the technological advancements, to share the ideas, disseminate the information and more importantly foster groups to pursue research in the field of in coatings & surface engineering for medical applications. Also, it is an excellent opportunity for the young researchers, academia and industry to explore this exciting field in its infancy.