The Unit of Work Environment Toxicology seeks Post Doc / PhD candidates for development and application of advanced mathematical models related to toxicological risk assessment. The research will be carried out within three projects, namely:
– Development of PBPK models for nano particles
– Toxicokinetic population models as basis for biomonitoring
– Improvements in dose-effect analysis to refine and reduce animal experiments
A substantial part of the work relates to PBPK and Benchmark-Dose (BMD) model development and computer simulations of the toxicokinetic behavior of nanoparticles and biomarkers, as well as dose-biomarker and dose-response relationships. Collaboration with various other research groups is foreseen.
Time period: 2 years (post doc) or 4 years (Ph D student)
We are looking for highly motivated graduate/Post Doc students with a degree related to engineering or biomedical science and a strong interest in applied mathematical modeling and toxicology. Documented skills in computer programming, mathematics, statistics, toxicology and toxicokinetics/pharmacokinetics and are highly advantageous. Excellent skills in written and spoken English and in communication, as well as an ability to interact socially and scientifically with other researchers and students, are essential.
Specific qualifications for Post Doc application:
To qualify, the applicant must hold a doctor’s degree or a foreign qualification deemed equivalent to a doctorate. Applicants who have completed their degree no more than three years before the last date for applications should be given priority. Candidates who have completed their degree earlier than this should receive equal priority if special grounds exist.
Postgraduates who have yet to graduate may apply if their public defense is scheduled to take place within three months after the application deadline, in which case verification from the Dissertation Committee or equivalent body must be submitted with the application.
Specific qualifications for PhD application:
A person has basic eligibility for third level education if he or she:
– has taken a second level qualification, or
– has completed course requirements of at least 240 higher education credits, including at least 60 higher education credits at second level, or
– has acquired essentially corresponding knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.
Information about graduate studies, eligibility and admission criteria can be found at
Karolinska Institutet aims to promote equal opportunities by encouraging a balanced gender distribution. We also value the qualities that ethnic and cultural diversity can contribute to the university.
Professor Gunnar Johanson, +46 8 524 87752 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +46 8 524 87752 end_of_the_skype_highlighting,
Senior Researcher Mattias Öberg, +46 8 524 87517 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +46 8 524 87517 end_of_the_skype_highlighting,
Union representatives: Marika Berglund, SACO, +46 8 524 87536 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +46 8 524 87536 end_of_the_skype_highlighting,
Christina Trossvik, OFR/ST, +46 8 52487522 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +46 8 52487522 end_of_the_skype_highlighting,
Application procedure:
The following documents should be included.
Post Doc application:
– a CV including university courses, title and date of university degrees, and previous positions
– a complete list of publications
– a short statement of research interests (maximum 1 page)
– signed letters of reference from two referents
PhD application:
– a CV including university courses, title and date of university degree, and previous positions
– a short statement of research interests (maximum 1 page)
The application, marked with reference number 6477/2010, is sent to: or: Karolinska Institutet, The Institute of Environmental Medicine, Irene Tjernberg, Box 210, 171 77 Stockholm
Last date for applications: Januray 7th, 2011