1. Development of Technology for Mass-Healthcare – Optimization through Telemedicine(RP01065).
2. Development of pre-filled Force enhanced injection device for the intravasal injectable contraceptive for the male.
3. Digital Signal Processing Applications in Biomedical Engineering.
4. Development of Bioabsorbable Polymers.
5. Effect of Mechanical Stress Parameters on Transport Properties of Vascular Tissue.
6. Fluorescence measurement as a technique to monitor insulin sensitivity and macrovascular correlations.
7. Technology development for sol-gel based fibre-optic immunosensor for measurement of myoglobin and other blood proteins.
8. Biorheological and Biochemical study of Pathological Synovial Fluid.
9. Development of artificial bone material.
10. Anti thrombogenic Polymers.
11. Bioadhesive materials.
12. Bioactive ABO Blood Grouping Card
13.Insulin Delivery System Using pH Sensitive Poloymers
14. Contact Killing Antimicrobial polymer for water disinfection
15. Graft Modification Of Polypropylene Monofilament for Suture Application
16. Development of biodegradable drug loaded interpenetrating network
hydrogels for the treatment of Osteomyelitis
17. Radiological finding
18. Smart macromolecular Therapeutics, Design, Synthesis and evaluation of tailor made anticancer drug conjugates and local hyperthermia for cancer cells.
19. Development of Biodegradable Polymer Matrices from Renewable Resources for ELISA.
20. Influence of Load and Motion on the Pathophysiology of Articular Cartilage in Relation to Osteoarthritis.
21. Biomechanical and metallurqical study of external ring fixator for orthopaedic & applications.
22. Optimised Electrical parameters for electically enhanced transdermal drug delivery instrument.
23. Development of Biodegradable hydrogel for controlled drug release for treatment of osteomyletis.
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