Walk-in-Interview for the following post:
Project Title: Structural and Molecular Characterization of Cutaneous Cell Behaviour Under Varied Physico-Chemical Ambience Towards Improving Skin Tissue Engineering Practices (CCB)
1. Post: Senior Research Fellow
No. of Post: One
Consolidated Compensation: Rs. 18,000/- p.m. (depending upon qualification & experience)
Qualifications & Experience: M.Tech / ME (Material science, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology)/ M.Sc. (Chemistry / Bio-chemistry / Life Science (GATE/NET qualified)) with 2 years research experience preferably in the field of biomaterial fabrication/cell-bio-matrix interaction / gene expression studies. Experience in Matlab and Biostatistics will be preferred.
2. Post: Project Assistant
No. of Post: One
Consolidated Compensation: Rs. 8,000/- p.m. (depending upon qualification & experience)
Qualifications & Experience: B.Sc in chemistry / life science with experience in mammalian Cell culture and Tissue processing. Experience in MS office in the use of computer will be preferred.
Application Fee: Rs. 50 (not for SRF and female candidates)/-
Candidate should send prior intimation with their CV to the email ID jchatterjee-at-smst.iitkgp.ernet.in by 3.4.2012 with a subject heading “Walk in interview for SRF/PA”.
Interview Schedule: A walk-in-interview will be held on 4.4.2012 at 2.30 PM in the department of SMST.
Last Date: 04 Apr 2012
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