Date: 1st March 2013
Aureola 3.0 is here again…………
The Technical Committee of NIT Raipur) brings you Aureola 3.0……
Aureola 3.0 invites participants from various branches to apply their domain specific knowledge to the healthcare problems for the betterment of Human society…..!!!!
It consist of 2 Events ..
1)Model presentation
2)Poster presentation
2)These are two individual events.
3)Problem statement Of this two event are uploaded in the website
4)prize money would be given for this two event individually.
Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology are the disciplines at the cutting edge of Scientific and Technological endeavour. These fields of engineering have deep connections with almost any other domains of science and engineering……be it Computer Science, Materials Science, Electronics Engineering. Or Mechanical Engineering. you name itThe Technical Committee of NIT Raipur in collaboration with the Biomedical Students Association (BIMSA) and Biotechnology Students Association (BITSA) brings you Aureola 3.0
Aureola 3.0 invites participants from various branches to apply their domain specific knowledge to the healthcare problems for the betterment of Human society…..!!!!
Problem Statements
1. Rehabilitation Engineering: Help the Blind
285 million people are visually impaired worldwide according to WHO statistics. A huge chunk of this people lives in the developing world. Scientists and engineers all over the world are going beyond the boundaries of their disciplines to innovate and come up with solutions for addressing the needs of the visually impaired people. From Artificial retina to Smart Computer interfaces, devices are being invented that cater to the needs of visually impaired people. The challenge is to design software or devices which can address a specific problem of blind people. For example Blind Navigation Device or a Voice based Note-taking system.
Inspiring Example: Recently a graduate student of Stanford University had designed a Virtual
Braille Keyboard interface on a tablet that can track the fingers of a blind person and enable
him/her to take notes.
2. Water Purification
Clean drinking water will be scarce in the coming decades due to the ever increasing rate of water pollution.
The challenge is to design devices or propose solutions to use nanotechnology for water purification.
Inspiring Example: Recently the lecture of Dr. S K Gupta (Scientist at Indian Institute of Toxicology Research) in a National Seminar had shed some light on the use of Graphene for entrapping pesticide molecules. His recent work deals with the effect of orientation of pesticide
molecules on the graphene binding.
3. Algorithms in Medicine:
In the present day healthcare system, medical images are an integral part of disease diagnosis.
With the advent of telemedicine, medical images can be exchanged with great ease. But most of these exchanges occur over insecure networks. In this era of medical insurance, patient data confidentiality is of utmost importance. Hence a solution to cater to the need of protecting medical images is necessary.
The challenge is to design algorithm based solutions (for ex. Digital Water Marking) that can ensure the integrity and confidentiality of medical images during the communication over a network.
4. Biomaterials
Biocompatibility is a prevalent issue in any artificial implants that uses Metals, Polymers or Ceramics. Also the harsh physiological environment in the body leads to degradation of the biomaterial thereby reducing its reliability. The challenge is to design solutions to reduce the degradation of any biomaterial (Metal, Polymer, and Ceramic) and also improve its biocompatibility.
5. Design of Portable Hemodialysis Equipment:
Renal failure kills millions of people every year and the occurrence of such failure is increasing at an alarming rate of 7% every year. Hemodialysis is the process of removing toxic products present in the blood by using an external dialysis machine which performs ultra filtration of the blood. Due to high cost of the device, 90% of renal failure patients in India cannot afford a dialysis treatment.
The challenge is to design a portable low cost dialysis machine which can easily remove toxic products (Urea, Ketones, etc.) from blood.
6. Design of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator:
Palliative care of patients post surgery normally involves management of pain using various
drugs. But the use of electrical stimulation for reducing pain is gaining wide acceptance in the recent times.
The challenge is to design a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) device that can alleviate pain.
7. Design of Instruments for measuring Respiratory Parameters:
Respiratory parameters are vital for quantifying the efficiency and functioning of the
respiratory system. Such information is vital for evaluating the performance of athletes as well as in diagnosis of pulmonary diseases.
Respiratory parameters include both static and dynamic parameters like pulmonary volumes and forced vital capacity, peak flow etc.
The challenge is to design an instrument that can measure these parameters with a reasonable degree of accuracy.
8. Design of a Hospital Management System
In the 21st century “information” plays a critical role in every sphere of life and the domain of healthcare is no exception. Today every hospital has fully computerized facilities for registration, clinical evaluation and management. The huge amount of data involved in the process of healthcare delivery requires efficient and organized methods to improve the clinical workflow.
The challenge is to design a Hospital Management Information System which will have different software modules to cater to the different needs in a multi-specialty hospital.
9. Design of Computerized Patient Records
Every modern day multi-specialty hospital has to deal with a large number of patients every day.
The amount of clinical data produced on a per day basis is therefore very huge. The challenge is to design a software system that can store, organize, and keep track of the huge amount of clinical data produced during the diagnosis and treatment of patients in a hospital setting.
10. Design of Virtual Model of Knee Joint Replacement using CAD
Arthritis is one among the most prevalent joint diseases which lead to severe deformities and pain. Joint replacement is a preferred solution in which the weight-bearing surface of the joint is replaced by an artificial joint.
The challenge is to design a realistic virtual model of Knee Joint Replacement using a Computer
Aided Design software (e.g. AutoCAD)
Themes for Posters:
1) Biomimicry
2) Waste Management
3) Hypothetical Treatment for Cancer/AIDS
4) Nerve Cell Regeneration
5) Artificial Neural Network
6) Biomining and Bioleaching
7) Biomechanics
8) Use of Information Technology in Drug Discovery
Problems designed by: Kabid Zaman, Lecturer Biomedical Engineering
For Problem Related Clarification Contact:
Kabid Zaman Bikesh Kumar Singh
Lecturer Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering
8827890550 9826469522
For Further Queries Contact:
Abhisek Agrawal
Event Coordinator
Sem, Biomedical Engineering
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