Category Archives: RESEARCH

Biomedical Research Internship at IIT Bombay

About The Awards:

The number of interns will be restricted to the number of projects available. The selected interns are required to work full time for four to six months on the project and will be given a fixed stipend of  Rs. 10,000/- per month. Accommodation may be provided subject to availability.

Kindly visit the “How To Apply” page for applying.
Click on the following link: for submitting application form

Important Dates:

Task Timeline
Last Date for submission of Application form October 5, 2012
Tentative Dates for Interview October 29, 2012- November 9, 2012

Imaging Sensors to study the Inner workings of Brain

Alan Jasanoff is designing imaging sensors that could help reveal the brain’s inner workings.


After finishing his PhD in molecular biophysics, Alan Jasanoff decided to veer away from that field and try looking into some of the biggest questions in neuroscience: How do we perceive things? What happens in our brains when we make decisions?

After a few months, however, he realized that he didn’t have the tools he wanted to use — so he decided to start making his own.

Research Fellowship for Masters in Biomedical Engineering in Australia

The Lympheodema Support Group, Wollongong announce MSc (Research) Scholarship in the field of Exercise Science, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Robotics, Physics or a related discipline, Australia

Study Subject(s):Exercise Science, Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Robotics, Physics or a related discipline
Course Level:MSc
Scholarship Provider: The Lympheodema Support Group, Wollongong.
Scholarship can be taken at: Australia

Biosignal 2012-21st Biennial International Conference 28-30th June

The conference should give a forum for information exchange among theoreticians, engineers, and medical people. Original papers, research results, and contributions concerning interesting technical solutions will be appreciated as well as clinical experiences and survey lectures for presentation in the following areas:

  1. Biological signal processing
  2. Medical imaging and image analysis
  3. Modeling in biomedicine
  4. Cell and tissue engineering
  5. Bioinformatics

The conference will be open to contributions from related fields.

Conference Chairman: 
Prof. Ivo Provaznik, Brno University of Technology

Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Brno University of Technology

8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems

The Symposium provide a forum for the presentation of new developments in the important interdisciplinary field of biomedical systems involving the application of concepts, methods and techniques of modeling, informatics and control of complex biomedical systems.

The Symposium address problems in biomedicine, physiology and biology related to:
• model formulation,
experiment design,
• identification and validation,
• biosignal analysis and interpretation,
• developments in measurement,
signal processing,
• tracer kinetic modeling using various
• imaging systems,
• biomedical system modeling, simulation and visualization,
• decision support and control.

How to Read Long & Boring Research Papers easily?

We often find that if students haven’t done much of this sort of reading before their get to their final year getting started can be a bit of a shock. So, this post is designed to help you get started with academic literature and, just as importantly, to help you get the most out of the papers you read in the short space of time you have available (and it is a short space of time, believe me).

Remember the structure of a paper is just like the structure of your thesis