Job Category:
Last Date:
Advt No: NITR/SR/CR-DCB/2012/ 06
National Institute of Technology, invites application for the post JRF
Name of the Research Project “Development of Calcium Phosphate based Machinable Bioceramics”
Qualification : B.Tech/M.Tech in Ceramic/Metallurgy/Chemical/Mechanical Engg./Biomedical Engg./Biotech/Nanotech OR M.Sc in Mats.Sc/ Physics/Chemistry/Nanoscience/Nanotech.Desirable Qualifications/ Experiences:Any higher qualification/experience in Bioceramics
Pay Scale : Rs.16000
How to apply
Eligible persons may apply in the prescribed format (available in the Institute Website) affixed with coloured photographs to be submitted in duplicate along with Xerox copies of relevant certificates, grade mark sheets, publications etc., to Asst. Registrar, SRICCE, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela–769 008 on or before 08.04.2012.