Tag Archives: Stent

Role of Platinum in Biomedical Applications


Biomedical devices can be extremely advanced, technologically challenging and complex products. Using the latest manufacturing techniques and often exotic materials, biomedical devices particularly those used in humans, present some of the biggest engineering challenges for the material science and medical research communities today. By their very nature, Biomedical devices being implanted in the human body must perform exactly as they were designed, without fail from the time they are surgically implanted, until the day they expire.

The development of biomedical devices can be extremely costly requiring heavy investment across the entire supply chain focusing particularly on the design, protoyping, materials selection, manufacturing and testing of these devices.


The logo of the Apollo Hospitals
Image via WikipediThe next generation in devices that relieve blood vessel blocks will dissolve within a couple of years.

The Apollo Hospitals, one of the six centres in India to be part of a global trial on using drug-eluting bio-resorbable stents, are the first in Chennai to use the product.

The device works like a regular stent by restoring blood flow to a clogged vessel. It also contains a drug that is slowly released to help the healing process.

But what stands out is the fact that the stent dissolves harmlessly inside the blood vessel and restores flexibility of the affected vessel.